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Ask users for…


Use: Deployed
Use this pattern to collect dates from a person.


When to use this pattern

Follow this pattern whenever you need a person to provide a date on a form.

Dates you may need people to provide include:

  • Dates a person knows, like a date of birth or marriage anniversary.
  • Dates a person can approximate, like February 2021.
  • Date ranges, like service history dates.

Dates a person knows

Use the Memorable date component for dates a person is likely to have memorized such as a date of birth or marriage anniversary.

Date of birth and/or death

Shows the form fields used to obtain date of birth and date of death.
Example of asking for a date of birth and date of death from form 40-0247.

Date and place of birth

Follow this pattern whenever you need to ask for a user’s date and place of birth.

Shows the form fields used to obtain date and place of birth.
Example of asking for a date and place of birth. NOTE: This screenshot shows an outdated date component. Use Memorable Date for collecting date of birth.

Dates a user can approximate

Use the month/year date component variation for dates that a user may struggle to remember. For example: When did you receive your high school diploma or equivalency certificate?

Shows the date input for collecting approximate dates.
Example of using the month and year date component for collecting a date a user can approximate.

Date ranges

Refer to the Service history pattern for an example of collecting service date ranges.


View an example

How to design and build

Anatomy details

Follow the vertical padding and accessibility annotations in Figma.

How this pattern works

  • Write clear form labels for date ranges Do not use “From” and “To” to when labeling form labels for date ranges. Make it clear what dates you’re asking for. Example: “Obligation start date” and “Obligation end date”.
  • Spell out full month names in the selected state The month select box should have the full month’s name. Example: January
  • Validate date inputs. You should validate date inputs so you can let users know if they have entered one incorrectly. A general validation message for an incorrect date: Please enter a valid date
  • Use the date input field for date of birth. Writing out the label for each birth date string and separating them into three fields instead of one eliminates potential format confusion.
  • Use one text input for Place of birth. This format is easier to fill out for both Veterans born outside the United States and for Veterans who were born United States citizens.
  • Pair with full name. Collection of date of birth is paired with full name. The two patterns typically appear on the same step/page.

Components used in this pattern

Page templates available for this pattern

Use the VADS templates (Patterns & Forms) for Dates in Figma.

Code usage

Dates is a web-component pattern available in the Forms library.

Content considerations

Labels, error messages, and hint text

Date of birth
Hint text: For example: January 19, 2000
Error type: No entry at all
Error message: Provide a date of birth
Hint text: None
Error type: No selection
Error message: Select a month
Hint text: None
Error type: No entry
Error message: Enter a day between 1 and [max number days in selected month]
Hint text: None
Error type: No entry
Error message: Enter a year between 1900 and the current year
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Last updated: Apr 17, 2024