Ask users for…
Social security or VA file number
Use: DeployedUsage
When to use this pattern
- When you need to collect or display a person’s Social Security or VA file number. For example, for an application for identity purposes.


How to design and build
How this pattern works
A Social Security Number (SSN) consists of nine digits, commonly written as three fields separated by hyphens: AAA-GG-SSSS. The first three-digit field is called the “area number”. The central, two-digit field is called the “group number”. The final, four-digit field is called the “serial number”.
A VA file number is how a Veteran’s claim is tracked through the compensation system and how documents and other evidence are associated with a Veteran’s file in the VA’s electronic database.
The ssnPattern implements the following best practices:
- Prefill Social Security number when possible. Don’t ask users to input their SSN if you can prefill it instead.
- Use a single text input for each field. Don’t split the SSN into 3 text inputs.
- Do not abbreviate. Use ‘Social Security number’. Do not use abbreviations, such as SSN.
- When asking for both Social Security and VA file numbers, one or the other may be provided. VA file numbers are not on every form.If the form asks for a Social Security number and VA file number make sure to note in the VA file number label or helper text, “must have this or a Social Security number”.
- Give user flexibility in entering their Social Security number. A user can enter the Social Security number however they like: with spaces, without spaces, dashes, or without dashes. When the user enters their number and the input loses focus, the number will appear masked with dashes.
- Validate Social Security numbers. See content considerations for the appropriate validation messages.
Components used in this pattern
Page templates available for this pattern
Use the VADS templates (Patterns & Forms) for Social Security or VA file number in Figma.
Related patterns to this pattern
Code usage
ssnPattern is a web component driven pattern available in the Forms library.
formatNumberForScreenReader is a utility function available in the Forms library. This utility function can be used to format a number for screen readers, such as a Social Security number when it is prefilled.
const formattedNumber = formatNumberForScreenReader(123456789);
const ssnPrefillText = () => (
Last 4 digits of Social Security number: {formattedNumber}
Content considerations
Labels, error messages, and hint text
- Social Security number
- Hint text: You must enter a Social Security number or VA file number
- Error type: No entry
- Error message: Enter a valid 9-digit Social Security number (dashes allowed)
- VA file number
- Hint text: None