What’s new?
New Features & Components Jan 2025 (Sprints 19)
v49.0.0 of the component library
Breaking Changes
- va-file-input-multiple: update data for vaMultipleChange to return more detail (BREAKING) va-file-input: fix bug with upload message not resetting by @powellkerry in #1460
New Features & Components 🎉
- va-file-input-multiple: allow for slots to be conditionally rendered on file inputs by @powellkerry in #1458
- va-file-input: display previously uploaded file by @powellkerry in #1461
- va-file-input: add statusText prop by @powellkerry in #1463
- va-telephone: add health resource center number to constants by @Dr-Pongo in #1455
- va-select: Adding ‘vaSelectBlur’ event by @Andrew565 in #1466
- va-checkbox and va-radio-option: Improved a11y by @Andrew565 in #1442
- va-alert: Fixing it so close button on slim alerts doesn’t overflow by @Andrew565 in #1467
Other Changes
- CSS-Library: Moving fonts loading to core by @Andrew565 in #1469
- CSS-Library: add primitive and semantic spacing tokens by @micahchiang in #1468
Figma Changelog
- [Design] Update search input with clear search variation. (Barb Denney)
- Breaking Change: When updating the search input component, edited text in the input will clear and default to the term ‘Search’. Text in the search button and suggestions will remain unaffected
- Added a clear button to search input
- Added focus rings to the search input and the new clear button
- Breaking Change: When updating the search input component, edited text in the input will clear and default to the term ‘Search’. Text in the search button and suggestions will remain unaffected
- Error Color mismatch between Figma and Production (Dan Brady)
- Form Elements:
- Label
- Error Text
- Hint Text
- Label Header
- Checkbox and Checkbox Element
- Date Input
- File Input
- Memorable Date
- Privacy Agreement
- Radio Buttons
- Select and Select Element
- Statement of Truth
- Text Input and Text Input Element
- Textarea and Textarea Element
- Form Elements:
- [Crisis Line Modal] - Add to VADS Component Examples and add modal contents (Dan Brady)
- Update name to “Crisis Line Modal”
- Add modal variants and content
- Update properties for device and element
- Layout Grid (Dan Brady)
- Added specs for planned margin and grid updates within all breakpoints
- Update language toggle component - Design (Lucas Wright)
- Created a new design that has the current language display (in VADS-base color) which complies with the latest WCAG guidelines.
Guidance updates
- Creates a path for mobile examples. [Amends #2391] by @humancompanion-usds in #3697
- Updates prefill docs to reflect update prefilled information pattern by @bellepx0 in #3701
- Alert - Sign-in: Fix broken link by @danbrady in #3708
- Update neutral-and-inclusive-language.md in content style guide by @RLHecht in #3719
- Add audit data for alert sign in by @rsmithadhoc in #3705
- More fixes to style guide by @RLHecht in #3722
- Renames a file. by @humancompanion-usds in #3720
- Update checkbox.md by @babsdenney in #3729
- Update content for intro page prefill alerts in prefill pattern docs by @bellepx0 in #3733
- Card, Tag: Adding status to cards by @danbrady in #3725
- Update link/button guidance for downloads by @rsmithadhoc in #3744
- Download link update by @rsmithadhoc in #3758
New Features & Components (as of Jan 15, 2025)
v48.4.0 of the component library
- va-button: add loading variation by @powellkerry in #1446
- va-search-input: add clear search button by @ataker in #1450
- va-accordion: add custom event to expand/collapse all button by @jamigibbs in #1445
- va-date: remove unnecessary aria labels for select by @powellkerry in #1447
- va-alert-sign-in: Hides no-sign-in-link when not present by @asg5704 in #1452
- va-link: add aria-label to all variations by @jamigibbs in #1448
Other Changes
- css-library: add img folder to dist by @micahchiang in #1441
- css-library: fix the html element’s font-size so it will respect browser settings by @Andrew565 in #1444
Figma Changelog
Update Confirmation template screenshots & guidance (Dan Brady)
- Update design of Language Toggle / #3605 (Lucas Wright)
- Created a new design that has the current language display (in VADS-base color) which complies with latest WCAG guidelines.
Error Color mismatch between Figma and Production (Dan Brady)
- Link Collection (active link) Figma update - Design #3487 (Barb Denney)
- Fixed bug in link collection that caused the active link arrow to align to the right.
Update visuals based on USWDS 3.9.0 update / #3524 (Lucas Wright)
Updated Pagination based on USWDS 3.9.0 update (add underlines to all links) #3524
Update page link to 40x40
Add properties: Type, State
Updated the spacing of the icon and padding on left side to 20 px
Fixed the overlap of the close button (X) with text in the slim designs
Fixed the odd spacing issues in the layout of the variations
- Card (Dan Brady)
- Fixed tag height
Button (Dan Brady)
Deprecate disabled variation
Add loading variation
Guidance updates
[Documentation] - Update list component documentation (Barb Denney)
va-checkbox indeterminate state - Documentation update (Barb Denney)
Update links for Alert Sign-in (Barb Denney)
Fall 2024
New and updated components
- va-process-list-item: Add text to describe status by @powellkerry in #1362
- Add custom message to va-file-input and update message in va-file-input-multiple by @ataker in #1367
- va-table: add sorting variation by @it-harrison in #1358
- va-file-input: add support for read-only mode by @pennja in #1300
- va-date: add prop to make month optional by @it-harrison in #1377
New content guidance
- Claims and applications (under Specific topics and programs): New page with general guidance for content about claims and applications #3504
- Email and text notifications: New page with general guidance for email notifications #3406
- Bulleted lists: Clarification on single sentences in lists; crosslink with radio buttons and checkboxes #3268
- Use short sentences (under Plain language): New example and suggested guideline for maximum sentence length #3268
- Sign in and identity verification (under Specific topics and programs): Updates to word list related to sign-in changes and clarification on when and when not to use “verify your identity”
- Word list: New entries for claimant, sponsor, Philippines, and Washington, DC #3513
Bug fixes
- va-modal: set box-sizing to border-box to prevent text overflow by @powellkerry in #1357
- va-accordion: open accordion when media is print by @ataker in #1363
- va-process-list: update status eyebrow text to uppercase by @powellkerry in #1365
- va-process-list: change color variable from usa to vads by @powellkerry in #1368
- va-table: show table header for non-stacked & stacked small screen by @harshil1793 in #1364
- va-table: update va-table-inner to properly scope table header row to columns by @1Copenut in #1370
- va-select: add import for focusable mixin by @powellkerry in #1376
- va-modal: set overflow-wrap:anywhere on modal content by @powellkerry in #1372
- focusable: add tabindex selector by @powellkerry in #1380
Other changes
- CSS Library: replace FA icons for action link and alert classes by @jamigibbs in #1371
- CSS Library: style and image path updates for alert and action link modules by @jamigibbs in #1378
- CSS Library: remove the /alerts image path by @jamigibbs in #1381
Design updates
- [Design] Table variations #3137
- [Design]Update Alert spacing in Figma #3231
- Update breadcrumb spacing in Page templates - Design #3049
Documentation updates
- Update guidance for Keep a record of submitted information pattern #3054
- Add List guidance to VADS #3206
- Alerts - Sign in - Documentation
- Issue with downloading logos (PNG format)
- Update va-link External link variation guidance #3224
- Multiple responses pattern and flow chart #3219
- Update guidance for select component - Documentation #3251
- Guidance for international phone numbers #3316
- Update gender pattern #3289
Summer 2024
The team synced up typography with USWDS v3 and continues to focus on syncing up iconography and replacing v1 components with their v3 equivalents.
New and updated components
New and updated guidance
Bug fixes
Issues closed this Summer (206)
Spring 2024
May 2024
The team continued to synch to USWDS v3 specifically aligning typography and updated and fixed v3 components. The Figma Library continued to be built out and updated.
New features and components
- Experimental Design - Button - Icon (#1559)
- Experimental Design [new icon request: pill] (#2811)
- Add icons for the mobile app (#2865)
Updated components and bug fixes
- Allow
to be a white link instead of default blue (#2602) - Add
attribute/functionality to va-button (#2739) - Formation Deprecation - Styles Migration - Swap content-build import (#2539)
- Screen Reader bug: Signature / Statement of Truth (JAWS) (#2649)
- Remove V1 Modal from Component Library and Storybook (#2661)
- Component Analytics enhancement request: Provide context for
(#2693) - Cannot submit a form with va-button (#2734)
- Statement of Truth change events do not contain the form values (#2783)
- Remove the v1 components in Storybook (#2800)
- Switch any non v3 components to use USWDS icons (#2198)
- DST Staging Review: Insufficient color contrast on focus/hover states (#2833)
- Accessibility: V3 Select’s options are not being read with Chrome when arrowed through (#2610)
- Tag component should use USWDS v3 background color (#2361)
- Update the “Icon Found” bot in vets-website and content-build for va-icon(#2626)
- File Input - Update v3 component to align with Figma (#2642)
- Cannot change text of a continue va-button (#2733)
- va-icon should be properly aligned to parent element and pick up font size(#2818)
- Replace content-build breadcrumb partial with V3 Component (#2742)
- Formation Deprecation - CSS Library Utility class rename (#2855)
- Fix Drag-and-Drop Handling and Add Custom Validation Example for
(#84044) - Formation Deprecation - Typography Migration - Swap vets-website imports (#2538)
- Pill icon has hard-coded fill value (#2875)
Figma Library updates
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Feedback (Patterns) (#2454)
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Review (Forms) add accessibility annotations (#2545)
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Form Step (pattern) (#2778)
- [List] - Add Figma components for Lists (#2510)
- Add Table Example in Figma (#2809)
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Signature (Patterns) (#2461)
- [Figma] Update Penalty Statement in figma components(#2528)
- [va-checkbox] - Add Indeterminate State - Design (#2653)
- Figma update: Add white link variation to va-link (#2776)
- Tag component should use USWDS v3 background color (#2361)
- Update button width for mobile modals in Figma component (#2740)
Global Typography updates
- Typography Step 1 Completion: Merge component-library and vets-website PRs (#2681)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - Appeals 995, 996 (#2698)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - Appeals 10182 and Appeals/shared (#2699)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - ask-a-question and ask-va (#2700)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values -auth and avs (#2701)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - burials-v2 and caregivers (#2702)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - check-in and claims-status (#2703)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - dhp-connected-devices and discharge-wizard (#2704)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - disability-benefits/686c-674 and disability-benefits/2346 (#2705)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - disability-benefits/all-claims (#2706)
- Typography - Update Application REM Values - discharge-wizard and education-letters (#2707)
Documentation updates
- Converted v3 Borderless Table - Documentation (#2307)
- Remove v1 component guidance from v3 components (#2802)Button Icon - Documentation (#2745)
- Update documentation for
attribute/functionality to va-button (#2770)
April 2024
The team continued to synch to USWDS v3 and updated and fixed v3 components while the Figma Library continued to be built out.
New features and components
- Icon Button Component (#2641)
- Formation Deprecation - Add 768px Breakpoint to CSS Library (#2533)
- Conversion to USWDS v3 Borderless table component (#1860)
Updated components and bug fixes
- [Alert] - Remove background-only prop from Alert In Figma (#2394)
- Review & submit - fix accordion error styling (#77064)
- Injected Header - Add eslint warning & inline comments for React Modals that should not be touched (#2541)
- Remove V1 Memorable Date from Component Library and Storybook (#2660)
- Search Typeahead component does not close as expected when the component loads with a value prefilled (#2676)
- Formation Deprecation - Typography base size migration QA vets-website, content-build and vagov-content (#2525)
- Formation Deprecation - Typography base size migration QA component-library (#2566)
- Rename medium-mobile breakpoint to tablet (#2679)
- va-summary-box should require that a header be present (#2557)
- Update components section in Storybook(#2589)
- Update remaining Formation color variables to their css-library counterparts (#79489)
- Review & submit - fix accordion error styling(#77064)
- Update remaining Formation color variables to their css-library counterparts (#79489)
- Formation Deprecation - Migrate font settings from Formation to CSS Library (#2537)
- Remove Font Awesome icon overrides in USWDS components (#2577)
Figma Library updates
- Figma rebuild: Templates - How to apply (Forms (#2464)
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Multiple Responses (Patterns) (#2457)
- Add missing icons for texting/mobile device and external link (#2381)
- Figma rebuild: Templates - Confirmation (Forms) (2466)
- Icons - Update Figma Components to use USWDS icons (#2624)
Documentation updates
- Icon web component - Documentation (#2197)
- Create documentation about web component analytics (#2625)
Accessibility updates
- Discovery: Research and propose aria-describedby alternatives(#2619)
- Icon web component - Accessibility review (#1365)
- va-select needs describedby property (#2587)
Winter 2024
March 2024
The team continued to synch to USWDS v3 and made updates and fixes to v3 components while the Figma Library continues to be built out.
Updated components and bug fixes
- CSS-Library: add missing tokens after audit of formation (#1074)
- CSS-Library: update tokens missed in previous update (#1087)
- va-accordion: remove Font Awesome icon override (#1083)
- va-header-minimal: add optional headings (#1084)
- updated CSS-Library version in web-components (#1086)
- va-text-input and va-textarea error message not announced by screen readers (#2572)
- Updated all instances of color-primary-darker and color-primary-darkest in vets-website#2311
Figma Library updates
- Added v3 Borderless Table Design to the component library (#1859)
- Add Military Address pattern to templates (#2329)
- Added Direct Deposit pattern to templates (#2453)
- Added Review form pattern to templates (#2465)
- Added Introduction pattern to templates (#2484)
- Added Service History pattern to templates (#2460)
- Update the design system template screens for intro page (#2385)
Documentation updates
- Fixed broken link to “linking to external link” info (#2552)
- Documented pattern for Ask users for a single response (#2611)
- Wrote guidance for icon migration (#2536)
February 2024
The team continued to deliver web components synced to USWDS v3 and made updates and fixes to v3 components while the Figma Library continues to be built out.
New and updated components
- va-breadcrumb: VA.gov home is now the default first label in #638
- va-flle-input: Made accessibility visual updates to the focus state and error state in #2441
Bug fixes
- va-modal: Fixed icon positioning in larger version in 2445
- va-file-input: Made accessibility fix so it reads out selected files correctly in #2442
- va-file-input: Disabled multiple file input dragging and dropping in #2479
- va-icon: Updated to use sprite successfully in #2353
- va-pagination: Fixed incorrect active page color in v3 in #2420
- va-maintenance-banner: Remove banner role in #2429
- Forms pattern: Updated headings to correct serif font in #2474
- Forms pattern: Updated radio button to show title and required label in #2475
Deprecated React components
Modal (#1634, #2449, #2450)
Figma Library updates
- Added Contact preferences pattern in #2452
- Updated expandable alert with number of lines property in #2454
- Added LinkedIn icon in #2497
- Fixed font & link color for Email Template #2506
Documentation updates
- Developer contribution page updates in #2446
- va-alert and va-expandable-alert: Updated accessibility documentation for announcing alerts (role=”alert”) in #2145
- Design Libraries has been updated with Figma information in #2410