Ask users for…
Relationship to Veteran
Use: DeployedUsage
When to use this pattern
- Asking for the relationship to the Veteran. For example, when a caregiver is filling out a form.
Relationship to Veteran

How to design and build
How this pattern works
- Use either a drop down or radio buttons. Options should include spouse, child, parent, executor/administrator of estate or other.
- Provide a way to give a ‘None of the above’ answer. A radio button labeled “Other” should be provided.
Conditionally revealed fields
In the radio button and checkbox components, we offer an option to conditionally reveal fields when the user selects an answer. These fields are often used to group related questions together by revealing a single follow-up question only when they’re relevant to the user.
Conditionally revealed fields can be used if the following conditions are met:
- There should only be one reveal on a page.
- When the revealed trigger is selected, you must be able to tab directly into the newly revealed field (Which is why we’ve put the “other” question last.)
- The newly revealed question field must be understood by itself. For example, don’t just say “Other”. Instead, say:
Since your relationship with the veteran was not listed, please describe it here

Components used in this pattern
Page templates available for this pattern
Use the VADS templates (Patterns & Forms) for Relationship to Veteran in Figma.
Code usage
relationshipToVeteranPattern is a web-component pattern available in the Forms library.
Content considerations
Error message templates for addresses
- When a user doesn’t select a relationship…
- Say “Please select your relationship to the Veteran”