Breakpoints uses media queries to support responsive design. It is constructed using a mobile-first approach, meaning that styles are written by default for mobile devices and scaled up for larger viewports.
Names and values
The VA Design System is currently transitioning to breakpoint names that more closely align with USWDS. The table below lists the original VADS breakpoint names and its new corresponding name.
These are the key breakpoints where the design of any page layout, utility, or component may change.
VADS Breakpoint Sass Variable | USWDS Breakpoint Custom Property | Width |
$xsmall-screen |
--mobile |
320px |
$small-screen |
--mobile-lg |
481px |
-- | --tablet |
640px |
$medium-screen |
--medium-screen |
768px |
$small-desktop-screen |
--desktop |
1024px |
$large-screen |
--desktop-lg |
1201px |
What if you need to create a different breakpoint?
In some cases, you will need to have a breakpoint that is not included in the core set. This should only be done sparingly and only in cases where the design element reaches a stress point that cannot resolved through modifying the design. This breakpoint should be declared locally within a .scss partial and named to reflect the element it pertains.
$nav-width: 702px;
.theoretical-nav {
//Some styles
@include media($nav-width) {
//Some styles
Sass mixins
The CSS Library includes the @media
mixin to make it easier for developers to create breakpoints in their styles.
@include media($medium-screen) {
//Some styles
This is will compile to:
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
//Some styles
Using the Sass mixin
You may place the @media
mixin inside of a selector or places selectors inside of a @media
mixin, whichever option makes the code you are writing easiest for other developers to understand. Always start with the smaller breakpoint and work your way up to larger ones.
.some-component {
margin: units(1);
@include media($medium-screen) {
margin: units(2);
@include media($large-screen) {
margin: units(3);