Help users to…
Know when their information is prefilled
Use with caution: CandidateUsage
When to use this pattern
- When you prefill the user’s data into an application, like a form. When using this pattern, clearly inform the user of where their data is being pulled from to prefill for them.
- When users can update prefilled information. Review Help users to… Know how their information is updated for guidance on helping users update this prefilled information.
Design principles
- Visibility of system status. This pattern demonstrates the usability principle of communicating the current state in order to allow users to feel in control and to be able to take appropriate action.
- User control and freedom. This pattern also gives users control over their own information thereby providing control and freedom.
When not to use this pattern
- For unauthenticated users. Users who aren’t signed in shouldn’t see their information prefilled when they interact with an application. But, when forms don’t require users to be signed in, they should see an information alert describing benefits to signing in. View the unauthenticated intro page alert later described on this page.
When to use caution
- When prefilling data from a source other than VA Profile. It is crucial to explain to the user exactly where the data is coming from so that if there are any errors in the data, it is clear how to correct them.
How to design and build
Anatomy or layout details
This pattern involves these types of pages found in forms:
- Introduction page: The first page of a form. Introduces the process the Veteran or other beneficiary will follow to apply for a benefit or to complete a supporting form. Changes slightly after a user signs in.
- Personal information page: Usually the first page of a form after the user signs in. Has personal details that cannot be edited online, like name, date of birth, Social Security number, etc.
- Prefill check page: Any page of a form that displays prefilled information users can edit within the form.
Introduction page
There are two states of an introduction page: Authenticated and Unauthenticated.

Personal information page

Prefill check page

How this pattern works
Communicate when and why information will be prefilled
This pattern communicates when and why information will be prefilled with:
- Unauthenticated intro page alert. This tells users they should expect prefilled information in a form after they sign in. The alert also encourages users to sign in to benefit from this time-saving feature.
- Authenticated intro page alert. This alert tells users that some of their information may be prefilled for them because they are signed in.
Communicate information that cannot be edited
This pattern communicates information that cannot be edited with:
- Uneditable prefilled information displayed in a card. Prefilled information (such as legal name, date of birth, and Social Security number) is displayed in a card component.
- Directions for updating uneditable information. Helper text is added under the card that has the bolded word “note” and directions to update this information offline. For additional guidance on helping users update prefilled information, see the “Help users to… Know how their information is updated” pattern which will be updated soon.
Communicate information that can be edited
This pattern communicates information that can be edited with:
- Editable prefilled information displayed in a card with an edit link. Prefilled information that is editable is displayed in a card component with a link to edit the information. For additional guidance on helping users update prefilled information, see the “Help users to… Know how their information is updated” pattern which will be updated soon.
Components used in this pattern
Uneditable Prefill Card
View uneditable prefill alert in Storybook
Editable Prefill Card
View editable prefill alert in Storybook
Signed In Prefill Alert
View signed in prefill alert in Storybook
Unauthenticated Prefill Alert
View unauthenticated prefill alert in Storybook
Prefilled Info Alert
View prefilled info alert in Storybook
Examples in production
Coming soon!
Code usage
When using the va-card
element to display prefilled information, ensure that the correct structure of the html is present. The description list <dl>
and unordered list <ul>
elements can be useful for displaying several pieces of uneditable data.
Uneditable information
Here is some example markup for a card of uneditable content that utilizes a description list.
<va-card background>
<div class="vads-u-padding--4 vads-u-margin--0">
<dt class="vads-u-font-weight--bold">Name</dt>
<dt class="vads-u-font-weight--bold">Born</dt>
<dt class="vads-u-font-weight--bold">Birthplace</dt>
<dt class="vads-u-font-weight--bold">Color</dt>
Editable information
If a user can update their information, than pieces of information can be shown with a heading followed by the information itself, along with an edit link.
<va-card show-shadow="true">
<h4 class="vads-u-width--auto vads-u-margin-top--0">
Email address
label="Edit email address"
View more prefill card examples on storybook
Prefilled info alert
A prefill info alert tells users that some information on a form has been prefilled.
<va-alert status="info">
<p class="vads-u-margin-y--0">
<strong>Note:</strong> We've prefilled some of your information from your account.
If you need to correct anything, you can select edit below.
All updates will be made only to this form.
View mort prefill alert examples on storybook
Content considerations
Directions for updating uneditable information
Directions for updating information that can’t be updated online vary. So directions should be updated based on the context of the form or application used. CAIA is currently working on finalizing some base language to be included, but general guidelines are:
- If it’s benefits-related, include the content that has the VA benefits hotline
- If it’s health-related, include the content that has the VA benefits hotline AND the content to contact your local medical center
Unauthenticated intro page alert
[heading] Sign in with a verified account
[content] Here’s how signing in with an identity-verified account helps you:
- We can fill in some of your information for you to save you time.
- You can save your work in progress. You’ll have {time limit} from when you start or make changes to submit your form.
After you sign in, we’ll tell you if you need to verify your identity for your account.
Note: You can sign in after you start filling out your form. But you’ll lose any information you already filled in.
[button] Sign in or create an account
[text link] Start your form without signing in
Authenticated intro page alert
[content] Note: Since you’re signed in to your account, we can prefill part of your form based on your account details. You can also save your form in progress and come back later to finish filling it out.
Authenticated contextual alert
[content] Note: We’ve prefilled some of your information from your account. If you need to correct anything, you can select edit below. All updates will be made only to this form.
Research findings
The Authenticated Experience Design Patterns team conducted user research to gather validation about this pattern.