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Memorable date

Use with caution: Available English, Spanish USWDS v3
Three text fields are the easiest way for users to enter most dates.



View va-memorable-date in Storybook

Month select

View va-memorable-date with month select in Storybook

Extra hint text

View va-memorable-date with extra hint text in Storybook

Custom validation

View va-memorable-date with custom validation in Storybook

Forms pattern single default

View va-memorable-date forms pattern single default in Storybook

Forms pattern multiple

View va-memorable-date forms pattern multiple in Storybook


View va-memorable-date error in Storybook

Error with month select

View va-memorable-date error with month select in Storybook

Forms pattern single error

View va-memorable-date forms pattern single error in Storybook

Forms pattern multiple error

View va-memorable-date forms pattern multiple error in Storybook


View va-memorable-date internationalization in Storybook


Refer to the U.S. Web Design System for usage guidance

Choosing between variations

  • Unlike the USWDS, the default component uses a text input instead of a select input for the month. This was done after user testing showed inconsistencies between field types led to challenges for users of assistive technology. Teams should note the maturity of this component and proceed with caution.


  • Refer to the specific error examples above.

View form error handling for additional guidance

Hint text

View label hint text for additional guidance

Code usage

Attributes and Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
customDayErrorMessage custom-day-error-message string A custom error message to display if the day is invalid
customMonthErrorMessage custom-month-error-message string A custom error message to display if the month is invalid
customYearErrorMessage custom-year-error-message string A custom error message to display if the year is invalid
enableAnalytics enable-analytics boolean false Whether or not an analytics event will be fired.
error error string The error message to render (if any) This prop should be leveraged to display any custom validations needed for this component
formHeading form-heading string The content of the heading if `useFormsPattern`.
formHeadingLevel form-heading-level number 3 The heading level for the heading if `useFormsPattern`.
hint hint string Hint text string
invalidDay invalid-day boolean false
invalidMonth invalid-month boolean false
invalidYear invalid-year boolean false
label label string Label for the field.
monthSelect month-select boolean false Whether or not to use the month as an input or select.
name name string Used to create unique name attributes for each input.
required required boolean false Render marker indicating field is required.
useFormsPattern use-forms-pattern string Enabling this will add a heading and description for integrating into the forms pattern. Accepts `single` or `multiple` to indicate if the form is a single input or will have multiple inputs.
value value string Set the default date value must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Name Description
component-library-analytics The event used to track usage of the component. This is emitted when an input value changes and enableAnalytics is true.
dateBlur Fires when the date input loses focus
dateChange Fires when the date input loses focus after its value was changed

Accessibility considerations

Refer to the U.S. Web Design System for accessibility guidance

Component checklist


Examples, usage, code usage, content considerations, and accessibility considerations are all complete.
VFS team conducted research on this component which is linked from this page.
Component has been in production for more than 3 months with no significant issues found.
Multiple teams have adopted this component.
Note: This component was introduced in August 2022.


While this component has been previously tested against older criteria, it has not yet been audited with the updated testing criteria.

Code assets

Storybook includes all variations (style, size, orientation, optional iconography, selection, error state, etc.)
Component depicted in all responsive breakpoints.
Interactive states
Includes all interactive states that are applicable (hover, active, focus, keyboard focus, disabled).
All design attributes (color, typography, layout, etc.) are available as tokens.
Describes i18n attributes.

Visual assets

Sketch library includes all variations (style, size, orientation, optional iconography, selection, error state, etc.)
Component designed to work in all responsive breakpoints.
Interactive states
Includes all interactive states that are applicable (hover, active, focus, keyboard focus, disabled).
All design attributes (color, typography, layout, etc.) are available as tokens.
80% complete (8 of 10)


  • Complete
  • Incomplete
  • Not applicable
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Last updated: Aug 07, 2024